
A newspaper article states with 95% confidence that 55% to

Last updated: 7/9/2022

A newspaper article states with 95% confidence that 55% to

A newspaper article states with 95% confidence that 55% to 65% of all high school students in the United States claim that they could get a hand gun if they wanted one. This confidence interval is based on a poll of 2000 high school students in Detroit. How would you interpret the confidence interval from this newspaper article? A. 95% of large urban cities in the United States have 55% to 65% high school students who could get a hand gun. B. If we took many samples of high school students from different urban cities, 95% of the samples would have between 55% and 65% high school students who could get hand guns. C. The newspaper incorrectly used this confidence interval to generalize to all teenagers in the United States since the sample was taken from the population of high school students in Detroit. D. We can be 95% confident that between 55% and 65% of all United States high school students could get a hand gun.