A particle having of 5 x 10 C The particle is given an
Last updated: 6/7/2023

A particle having of 5 x 10 C The particle is given an initial I JA LIJ 8 horizontal velocity of 105 ms in the presence of M60 9viw idols de aral s brs st w to appl shipp electric field E and magnetic field B To keep the bas etnome 9Tugit ni nworle en vlovitoegest particle moving in a horizontal direction it is ambe 90 ar b9opiq 916 929ril 16dt grimuzzA necessary that etingo orth is ones ad liw ableit onongamodT 9n6lq 21 H notisqe sdi nadw gool art to a B should be perpendicular to the direction of Stw velocity and E should be along the direction of velocity S b Both B and E should be along the direction of velocity AI 8 c Both Band E are mutually perpendicular and perpendicular to the direction of velocity d B should be along the direction of velocity and bisit ottengsm motinu s to sonsultni edt 19bn E auibot to should be perpendicular to the direction I ril to boneq velocity mut orT v bosqe instano rliiw Which one of the following pairs of statements is possible no ton bns A no abnoqsb I no jon brs v no abroqob S 1 c and d brus drog 2 b and c