A questionnaire is sent out to a local community
Last updated: 7/8/2022

A questionnaire is sent out to a local community on a proposed real estate tax increase. This tax increase would help to counteract the rising educational costs for the local school. Two questions were sent out to the community: 1. The Little Town School District has one of the lowest per student expenditure rates in the state. This has resulted in high failure rates, low standardized test scores, and students are struggling to get into tests and colleges. • Do you support the real estate tax increase in order to help fund the schools? 2. The Little Town School District has one of the lowest per student expenditure rates in the state. Raising the real estate tax could potentially create a tax rate that is higher than people can afford. This may result in them having to give up their homes because they cannot support the increased tax rate. • Do you support the proposed real estate tax increase? One of the questions resulted in 60% of the population supporting the tax increase, while the other question resulted in a 10% of the population supporting the real estate tax increase. Which produced the higher result and why? The first showed the 60% and the second showed the 10% because there was no control question. The first showed the 60% and the second showed the 10% based on the wording of the question. The first showed the 10% and the second showed the 60% because there was no control question. The first showed the 60% and the second showed the 10% because the questionnaire was not given out to a simple random sample of the population.