A State whether the sentence or statement is TRUE or FALSE 1
Last updated: 4/25/2023

A State whether the sentence or statement is TRUE or FALSE 1 The normal force FN that acts on an object is always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the gravitational force F that is acting on it 2 Friction always acts against an object s motion relative to the contact surface 3 When forces acting on an object are in equilibrium the object can still be moving 4 For an object sliding along a ramp the force of kinetic friction acting on the object increases as the angle of inclination of the ramp increases 5 A car accelerates from rest when a traffic light turns green A cup of coffee that was sitting on the dashboard of the car falls into the driver s lap The driver could rightly argue that the cup s apparent motion was due to its inertia It had a tendency to stay still and the car accelerated from beneath it 6 The sum of all the forces acting on a stationary object is the same as that acting on an object in uniform motion 7 For an object travelling with uniform circular motion its acceleration is always directed tangent to the circle 8 When a curve in the road is banked a component of the normal force contributes to the centripetal force