
A study was done to study the effect of ambient temperature

Last updated: 5/22/2023

A study was done to study the effect of ambient temperature

A study was done to study the effect of ambient temperature x on the electric power consumed by a chemical plant y Other factors were held constant and the data were collected from an experimental pilot plant y BTU x F 250 27 285 320 295 Question 4 Complete the table below SU M Elec tric Pow er y 250 285 320 295 265 298 267 321 45 72 58 Bla nk 25 Am bie nt Tem per atu re X 27 45 72 58 31 60 34 74 Bla nk 26 y BTU 265 298 267 321 xy Bla nk 1 Bla nk 4 Bla nk 7 Bla nk 10 Bla nk 13 Bla nk 16 Bla nk 19 Bla nk 22 Bla nk 27 x Bla nk 2 Bla nk 51 29 Points Bla nk 8 00 Bla nk 11 Bla nk 14 Bla nk 17 Bla nk 20 Bla nk 23 Bla nk x F 28 31 60 34 74 y Bla nk MI 3 Bla nk 6 Bla nk 9 Bla nk 12 Bla nk 15 Bla nk 18 Bla nk 21 Bla nk 24 Bla nk 29