
a The average mass of all the isotopes of the element b A

Last updated: 6/15/2023

a The average mass of all the isotopes of the element b A

a The average mass of all the isotopes of the element b A measure of the density of that element c The mass of the most common isotope of that element d The number of protons and electrons in the atoms of the element 8 An element and an atom are different but related because a A particular element is made up of many different types of atoms b A molecule is the same as an atom c An element is made up of all the same type of atom d An element is smaller than an atom 9 The periodic table shows that a carbon atom has six protons This means that a carbon atom also has a Six electrons b Six neutrons c More protons than electrons d An atomic mass that equals six 10 The atomic number of nitrogen is 7 The atomic mass is 14 01 This means that a All nitrogen atoms have exactly 7 neutrons b A small percentage of nitrogen atoms have fewer than 7 neutrons c A small percentage of nitrogen atoms have more than 7 neutrons d Some nitrogen atoms have fewer than 7 electrons 11 Electrons are in regions around the nucleus called energy levels The first energy level a Is furthest from the nucleus b is closest to the nucleus c Holds the most electrons d Needs more than two electrons to fill it up 12 Neon has 10 protons and 10 electrons The electrons fill the energy levels in Neon like this a 2 in the first 2 in the second and 6 in the third b 4 in the first 4 in the second and 2 in the third c 2 in the first in the second and in the third