A town is built near a rainforest The nearby rainforest
Last updated: 4/17/2023

A town is built near a rainforest The nearby rainforest consists of a very diverse population of plants and animals The people in the town discover that many of the trees in the rainforest can be cut down processed and sold as lumber Continuous logging by the people from the town eventually results in a decrease in the overall biodiversity of the rainforest because many of these trees previously provided shelter and food to organisms living in the rainforest A conservation group wants to help the town come up with a plan to restore the stability and biodiversity of the rainforest while still maintaining the town s logging operation Which of these would be best to include in the plan OA replanting trees in areas where logging has taken place OB using cleared areas for crop production OC introducing invasive species that are better able to withstand logging OD bringing livestock in to graze in cleared areas