
A trade magazine routinely checks the drive-through service

Last updated: 7/20/2022

A trade magazine routinely checks the drive-through service

A trade magazine routinely checks the drive-through service times of fast-food restaurants. A 90% confidence interval that results from examining 595 customers in one fast-food chain's drive-through has a lower bound of 159.3 seconds and an upper bound of 162.9 seconds. What does this mean? Choose the correct answer below. A. One can be % confident that the mean drive-through service time of this fast-food chain is seconds. B. The mean drive-through service time of this fast-food chain is seconds % of the time. C. There is a 90% probability that the mean drive-through service time of this fast-food chain is between seconds and seconds. D. One can be 90% confident that the mean drive-through service time of this fast-food chain is between seconds and seconds.