
abisbrale T 2387 LRA BAM Talk About It A classmate let w

Last updated: 4/6/2023

abisbrale T 2387 LRA BAM Talk About It A classmate let w

abisbrale T 2387 LRA BAM Talk About It A classmate let w epresent the unknown hole and set up the quivalent ratios 60 Is this 100 ethod valid Why ght this method not the most antageous one to in this case back from 60 to 10 Then scale forward from 10 to 100 x10 Number of Students 19 Percent 10 banquet namun san Number of Students Percent 6 6 114 60 Number of Students Percent WTO 10 M 190 100 por cor Method 3 Use a double number line Step 1 Draw a double number line Draw a double number line The bottom number line represents the percent so use increments of 10 to draw tick marks and label the percents The top number line represents the part of the whole that corresponds with each percent so label the tick mark that corresponds with 60 on the bottom number line with 114 0 114 Because 60 6 10 divide 114 by 6 to obtain 19 Because scale 10 x 10 100 multiply 19 by 10 to obtain 190 So 60 of 190 is 114 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Step 2 Find the whole Since there are 6 increments before 114 the value of each tick mark on the top number line increases by 114 6 or 19 units 0 19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 The double number line shows that 100 or the whole is 190 So using any method the whole is 190 In other words 60 of 190 students is 114 students