
About dignity Hillenbrand wrote dignity is as essential to

Last updated: 5/26/2023

About dignity Hillenbrand wrote dignity is as essential to

About dignity Hillenbrand wrote dignity is as essential to human life as water food and oxygen The stubborn retention of it even in the face of extreme physical hardship can keep a man alive long past the point when he should have died The loss of it can carry a man off as surely as thirst hunger exposure and asphyxiation and with greater cruelty In places like Kwajalein and Omori degradation could be as lethal as a bullet Define dignity and explain the ways that Kwajalein and Omori were robbing Louie of his Be sure to include text support CLAIM Reader Response what you think about the text how you answer the question EVIDENCE Words or phrases taken from the text Effective use of sentence stems REASONING Analysis saying what the evidence shows Effective use of sentence stems COUNTER ARGUMENT Speculation extra comments about quotations or opinions Effective use of sentence stems