
According to recent research 37 of Americans have less than

Last updated: 7/14/2023

According to recent research 37 of Americans have less than

According to recent research 37 of Americans have less than 300 in the bank for an emergency Let be the proportion of people who have less than 300 in the bank for an emergency in a random sample of 62 Americans Determine the probability that the proportion of people in a random sample of 62 Americans who have less than 300 in the bank for an emergency is within 1 of the population proportion Round the solution to four decimal places P p within 1 of the population proportion Determine the probability that the proportion of people in a random sample of 62 Americans who have less than 300 in the bank for an emergency is less than the population proportion by 17 or more Round the solution to four decimal places P less than the population proportion by 17 or more