
After You Read Mini Glossary decibel the unit for measuring

Last updated: 5/13/2023

After You Read Mini Glossary decibel the unit for measuring

After You Read Mini Glossary decibel the unit for measuring sound intensity Doppler effect when pitch or wave frequency changes because a wave source is moving intensity the amount of energy that flows through a certain area in a specific amount of time Review 1 Review the vocabulary terms and their definitions in the Mini Glossary above What is the difference between intensity and loudness loudness how humans understand sound intensity pitch how high or low a sound is 2 Fill in the blanks below with the following words to make correct statements about the material you read in this section intensity high amplitude decibel subsonic frequency As the In a The As the of a sound wave increases the pitch increases sound wave the compressions are dense is the unit for measuring how intense a sound is of a sound wave increases the loudness increases 3 As you read this section you highlighted the headings that are questions Will this strategy help you remember what you read in the section Why or why not