
allele codes for brown coloring The Wallele codes for white

Last updated: 2/28/2023

allele codes for brown coloring The Wallele codes for white

allele codes for brown coloring The Wallele codes for white coloring The B2 allele codes for black coloring Examine the illustration of the gene pool for a population of this species B B W W B B B B B B B B B B B B B W B B B w B B B B B B B B W W B B B B B W W B W B W B B B B W B B B B a How many allele copies are in this gene pool 2 points b How many copies of the Wallele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the Wallele Show your work 3 points c How many copies of the B allele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the B allele Show your work 3 points d How many copies of the B2 allele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the B2 allele Show your work 3 points