Alpha Emission One example is when a Uranium-238 nucleus
Last updated: 7/24/2022

Alpha Emission One example is when a Uranium-238 nucleus decays, it produces a Thorium-234 nucleus and a Helium-4 nucleus. That Helium-4 nucleus is called an alpha particle(a). We use the symbol 4₂He. These particles can be stopped by paper or skin. Beta Emission The second type of radioactive emission is beta particle emission. A beta particle(B) is a fast-moving electron. We use the symbol º.1e. These particles can be stopped by clothes or wood. Gamma Emission The third type of radioactive emission is gamma ray emission. A gamma ray is photon of light that has the symbol oy. This type of radiation is very high energy and dangerous to living (biological) things. It can be stopped by lead or several feet of concrete. 26. Put the different types of emissions in order of weakest to strongest below: