
An Aquatic Apocalypse Solubility vs Temperature Part II Use

Last updated: 5/11/2023

An Aquatic Apocalypse Solubility vs Temperature Part II Use

An Aquatic Apocalypse Solubility vs Temperature Part II Use the data below to evaluate whether nitrates or phosphates were involved in the fish kill Part I Fish Kill Data Table I White River Water Temperature and Rainfall by Month May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 18 1 19 5 16 5 14 0 12 5 11 0 15 0 17 0 20 5 23 0 23 5 24 0 Water Temp C Rainfall 29 5 33 1 mm 19 5 17 5 15 0 4 Which month had the most rainfall 14 5 17 2 14 1 16 9 5 Which month had the least rainfall 1 Which month had the highest river water temperature 2 Which month had the lowest river water temperature 3 How would the temperature of the water likely affect the solubility of dissolved solid solutes Data taken by Anderson Publicly Owned Treatment Works 12 7 13 3 17 2 6 In which months would you expect to have more runoff from the fields to the river 7 In which months would you expect more dissolved solutes in the water Explain 8 Review the background information a In what month did the fish kill happen b What was the average water temperature and rainfall for this month and the month before c What would you expect farm land to look like during this month 9 How to nitrates and phosphates generally cause fish kills