An electron of mass me has a speed un in the nth Bohr orbit
Last updated: 6/8/2023

An electron of mass me has a speed un in the nth Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom The normalized speed V is given as Vn un c 1 685 and the mass of the electron in the units of energy is given as Me mec 0 51 x 106 eV where e is the velocity of light in vacuum It is given that 2ehe 1 137 The Planck s constant h is given as 4 13 x 10 15 eV sec The electron makes a transition from nth orbit to the ground state of the atom What is the frequency of the emitted photon X1 3 29 x 10 5 Hz 2 3 16 x 1015 Hz X3 2 47 x 1015 Hz X 4 293 x 1015 Hz