anemia The patient does not report losing blood externally
Last updated: 10/10/2023

anemia The patient does not report losing blood externally and her menstrual period is normal in length and amount The patient does have splenomegaly Extensive lab work is done and here are the results Cardiovascular Fall 2023 Biol 2402 Dr Clark Student Name There are 35 multiple choice questions worth 2 points Each of the 3 short answer questions are worth 10 points The total test is worth 100 points hematocrit 35 hemoglobin 10 gm dl RBC WBC 8 000 mm3 Platelets 275 000 3 million mm3 Reticulocyte count 4 High Serum Billirubin level elevated Peripheral Smear Analysis RBC size 7 5 um color normochromic 7