
Answer THREE of the following questions writing a good

Last updated: 1/29/2024

Answer THREE of the following questions writing a good

Answer THREE of the following questions writing a good paragraph for each You must answer most parts of each question in any order but make sure that your paragraph flows together and is not choppy 1 Daydreaming Holden s stream of consciousness narration lets us into all his thoughts and even his weird daydreams like the one right after Maurice punched him and he fantasized revenge and Jane coming to take care of him What about you Keep your paragraph school appropriate please but do your fantasies ever involve your being a hero a sports star a villain a celebrity Do movies influence your daydreams Why do you think people imagine such scenarios that are very removed from their normal lives Or are your daydreams much tamer and much less spectacular 2 Emotions Holden says I never care too much when I lose something But we know he does Why is it so hard for people to talk about their feelings To admit that they messed up To admit that they are sad or need help Do you have someone you can really be honest with What kind of feelings are difficult for you to talk about or admit Are you a good listener if somebody else wants to talk about their feelings or do you feel uncomfortable 3 Regret So many times in this section Holden immediately regrets his actions or words With Sunny With Sally Do you find yourself saying and doing stuff that you feel bad about afterwards Are you stuck in a rut with the way you interact with some people With the way you talk to your parents and the things you fuss about with them Do you wish things could be different What can you do to make a change or to be a better person like you know you can be 4 The Ideal Escape Holden tells Sally he wants to go north and get a cabin in the woods and live there with her Just to get away from it all School and stress and parents and responsibilities Sally realizes that it s a crazy dream and that makes Holden angry How about your ideal get away from it all ideal escape It doesn t have to be completely doable Just explain where you would like to go and what you would like to do when the pressure builds up and there does not seem to be an end in sight 5 Generosity Believe it or not Holden has a very compassionate side A giving side And he notices things a lot Like the nuns breakfast or his friend s shabby suitcases What about you Would your friends say that you are generous with your stuff Do you lend people things or money Do you give thoughtful presents What is the coolest thing anybody has ever done for you What is the nicest thing you have done for or given to somebody else Do you have to orous 36 an adult