
apter 14 Apila Assignment Interviews are different for each

Last updated: 2/20/2023

apter 14 Apila Assignment Interviews are different for each

apter 14 Apila Assignment Interviews are different for each stage in the hiring process however any interview will have three parts the opening formalities the information exchange and the closing Improve your chances of delivering a successful Interview by understanding the expectations for each part of the interview You have about one minute to make a favorable Impression What common courtesles will help you make a good first impression during the opening of an interview Check all that apply Apply a gentle handshake in order to avoid seeming overbearing Pronounce the Interviewer s name correctly Wait for the interviewer to ask you to be seated Nod very vigorously and often when the interviewer speaks Once the opening formalities are out of the way the information exchange begins During the information exchange portion of the interview what will convince an interviewer to allow you to continue to the next phase of the hiring process O Identifying three areas that the company could improve and motivate employees O Specific evidence about how your qualifications will add immediate value to the company General Information about your experience and a demonstration that you have a positive attitude During the information exchange you will present your key qualifications When presenting your qualifications to an interviewer you should list the key points you want to emphasize intendow question