b The frequency of the wave The wavelength of the wave d
Last updated: 10/26/2023

b The frequency of the wave The wavelength of the wave d Amplitude of the largest peal 43 Surface rocks at low temperature are most likely to a Experience brittle deformation b Experience plastic deformation C Have a high yield point d Be very ductile creating folds 44 With destructive interference the seismic waves C a Causes wave amplification linked to greater destructiveness Creates the initial trough that arrive before a tsunami event Causes landslides to occur on unstable slopes d Cancel each other out creating a flat line b C C 45 Flood basalts form from a Only powerful eruptions with a lot of lava flows b Fissure eruptions Stratocone or composite volcanoes d Cinder cones volcanoes 46 Seismic waves move fastest through a Hard consolidated bedrock b Soft alluvium soils c Liquids d Attenuation 47 Triangulation is used to a Find the path of greatest rupture b Show the amount of attenuation Measure the amount of fault rupture d The location of the epicenter