
B The student scored 2 8 points lower than the class average

Last updated: 6/29/2023

B The student scored 2 8 points lower than the class average

B The student scored 2 8 points lower than the class average on the final C The student scored 2 8 standard deviations lower on the final than on the midterm D The student scored 2 8 standard deviations lower on the final than the class average on the midterm exam E The student scored 2 8 standard deviations lower on the final than the class average on the final exam 70 80 90 A 100 110 70 80 90 B 100 110 24 Given the two histograms above which of the following statements is incorrect A As long as the sample sizes are at least 30 the empirical rule applies to both sets B Both sets have roughly the same ranges C The standard deviation of set A is greater than 5 D The standard deviation of set B is greater than 5 E A lower percentage of the values in set A are at least 10 units from its mean than is the case for set B