Based on the following description, draw the cell signaling
Last updated: 7/8/2022

Based on the following description, draw the cell signaling pathway described (you only need to draw the pathway in one cell, but show the type of signaling described). Label all your parts. Circle the signal transduction pathway and put a box around the cell response. Finally, state what type of signaling this is. Compound X is released from one cell and activates not only itself, but neighboring cells. When compound X binds its receptor, some of the serine amino acids on the cytoplasmic side of the receptor are phosphorylated. Label what type of receptor this is. This leads to the receptor phosphorylating a cytoplasmic protein (figure out and label what type of protein this is based on the receptor type). There is a scaffolding protein that organizes the 4 other proteins involved in signal transduction. Eventually, several genes are turned on for transcription / expression.