Based upon the derivation shown for the freely jointed chain
Last updated: 7/2/2023

Based upon the derivation shown for the freely jointed chain model derive an equation for the square of the average end to end distance for a new polymer architecture In this polymer architecture the chain is composed of two different repeat unit types A and B Here the number of repeat units of A are n and the number of repeat units of B are ng Moreover the lengths of the respective units are 1 and 1 Finally the bond angle between A links is 0A and the average bond angle between B links is 0 The angle between A and B links and B and A links is the same and this can be represented by OAB If this is the case the expression for the square of the average end to end distance can be represented by which of the following A r n l ngl 3 B r n nl 2n nll C r nal ngl 2nAnglalB COS OAB 1 cos 1 cos D r n 1 COSA nal 1 COSA 1 cos 1 cos