
believe the state should protect the rights of racial and

Last updated: 5/12/2023

believe the state should protect the rights of racial and

believe the state should protect the rights of racial and ethnic minorities while believe the state should also intervene to protect the cultural traditions of racial and ethnic minorities a pluralists class conflict theorists b pluralists multiculturalists c multiculturalists pluralists d multiculturalists class conflict theorists 13 Thai Americans often live in communities within large US cities In these neighborhoods there are often several Thai businesses doctors offices preschools daycares and restaurants Although most Thai Americans speak English they may also continue to speak Thai among family and friends Are Thai Americans experiencing one way assimilation a No because they retain a separate ethnic identity from the dominant culture b No because they do not practice the dominant religion c Yes because they speak English d Yes because many Americans enjoy Thai food 14 Wayne is a Black man with dark skin living in the United States Wayne is an attorney at a prestigious law firm Wayne is also gay Wayne routinely faces racial microaggressions and discrimination within the law firm He often faces homophobia within the Black community in his area Within the gay dating scene he is often passed over due to both racism and colorism Wayne s experiences are an example of a market theory b reification c intersectionality d essentialism 15 In 1968 the United States government passed the Fair Housing Act which prohibited racial discrimination in housing However since Black families had been historically segregated into less desirable neighborhoods their homes were much less valuable in the housing market making it much more difficult to move to a different neighborhood should they want to As a result residential segregation has persisted and intensified This phenomenon is an example of a institutional racism b colorblind racism c competition d intersectionality 16 According to W E B Du Bois what are the Negro Problems a Breakdown in urban Black families b Persistent racism resulting from chattel slavery c Failure in leadership by the talented tenth d Double consciousness on the part of Black men