Biology Match the following letters with the numbers below 1
Last updated: 5/15/2023

Biology Match the following letters with the numbers below 1 Steroid hormone type I 2 Steroid hormone thpe II 3 GPCR 4 JAK STAT 5 RTK 6 Wingless 7 Hedgehog A Ligand receptor is cell surface transmembrane protein B Pathway common to cytokines C Pathway common to growth factors including EGF IFG D Pathway functions in isolation of all others E Signaling pathway results in differential gene expression F Ligand is hydrophobic G Ligand first identified for role in Drosophila embryogenesis H Key step in pathway is activation of adenyl cyclase to produce CAMP 1 Pathway occurs only in Drosophila not observed in mammalian cells J Pathway includes Ras Raf Mek Erk