
Birdy Consulting Co has the following accounts in its ledger

Last updated: 10/3/2023

Birdy Consulting Co has the following accounts in its ledger

Birdy Consulting Co has the following accounts in its ledger Cash Accounts Receivable Supplies Office Equipment Accounts Payable Common Stock Retained Earnings Dividends Fees Earned Rent Expense Advertising Expense Utis Expense Miscellaneous Expense Journalize the following selected transactions for January 2012 in a two column journal Journal entry explanations may be omitted If an amount box does not require an entry leave it blank Jan 1 Paid rent for the month 3 600 4 Paid advertising expense 2 320 5 Paid cash for supplies 990 6 Purchased office equipment on account 15 200 12 Received cash from customers on account 4 970 20 Paid creditor on account 1 460 27 Paid cash for miscellaneous expenses 630 30 Paid utility heating bill for the month 2 30 31 Fees earned and billed to customers for the month 33 100 31 Paid utility electricity bill for the month 400 31 Paid dividends 2 500 2012 Jan 1 Bent Expense Jan 4 Jan 5 Jan 6 Jan 12 Jan 20 Jan 27 Advertising Expense Cash Supplies Cash Office Equipment Accounts Payable Accounts Receivatie Accounts Payable Hiscellaneous Expense 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00