
Calculate the formula for the calcium hydroxide by using the

Last updated: 5/5/2023

Calculate the formula for the calcium hydroxide by using the

Calculate the formula for the calcium hydroxide by using the molar mass and exact sample mass of calcium to determine the number of moles used in your titration Next calculate the moles of HCl that was used to titrate each sample Use this information to calculate the mole ratio between HCl and Ca for each sample Remember from Equation 4 4 that one mole of HCl reacts with one mole of hydroxide therefore how many moles of hydroxide must have been produced for every mole of calcium that reacted From your experimental result what must be the formula for the calcium hydroxide produced in the reaction of calcium with water Remember that the point is to find the experimental formula for the calcium hydroxide Your calculations must be done as if you don t know the actual formula