
Car A is traveling and has momentum P. Car B is traveling and has momentum 2P. What are two possible differences between cars A and B? Car B has larger mass OR car B has faster speed. Car B has smaller mass OR car B has slower speed. Car B has smaller mass

Last updated: 8/15/2022

Car A is traveling and has momentum P. Car B is traveling and has momentum 2P.
What are two possible differences between cars A and B?
Car B has larger mass OR car B has faster speed.
Car B has smaller mass OR car B has slower speed.
Car B has smaller mass

Car A is traveling and has momentum P. Car B is traveling and has momentum 2P. What are two possible differences between cars A and B? Car B has larger mass OR car B has faster speed. Car B has smaller mass OR car B has slower speed. Car B has smaller mass OR car B has faster speed. Car B has larger mass OR car B has slower speed.