Carbon cycle Biotic 6 7 Respiration Total 1 An organism s
Last updated: 5/17/2023

Carbon cycle Biotic 6 7 Respiration Total 1 An organism s role in the environment 2 Factors that include the amount of food and competition in an area living factors 8 Producers 3 Releases the energy stored in the chemical bonds of organic molecules into a form more usable by a cell 4 Shows how energy is lost in an ecosystem as you move up the food web 5 The highest amount of individuals an ecosystem can handle based on the amount of resources available A replacement of one group of plants by another overtime until a climax community is reached The original source of all the energy in an ecosystem Shows one path of the flow of energy in an ecosystem Magical Number 9 A close relationship where both organisms benefit 10 What is NOT recycled cycled in an ecosystem 11 Essential part of an ecosystem returns nutrients back into soil so they can be used by plants 12 The build up of toxins with in the food chain higher up more concentration of toxins 13 Uses photosynthesis and respiration 14 Factors like temperature pH amount of sunlight amount of dissolved oxygen 15 Stores the sun s energy in chemical bonds of organic molecules 16 The part of a food web with the most energy and the most biomass 17 A close relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed 18 Shows multiple paths of energy through an ecosystem 19 A close relationship where one organism benefits and the other is unharmed