
Case Study 3 The nature position and size of the image

Last updated: 6/26/2023

Case Study 3 The nature position and size of the image

Case Study 3 The nature position and size of the image formed by a spherical mirror depends on the position of the object in front of it The image formed may be real or virtual for different positions of the object The image is either magnified reduced or has the same size depending on the position of the object Drawing the ray diagrams is an ideal way to illustrate the formation of images by spherical mirrors Each small portion of an extended object of finite size placed in front of a spherical mirror acts like a point source However it is more convenient to consider only two rays for the sake of clarity of the ray diagram These rays are so chosen that it is easy to know their directions after reflection from the mirror The intersection of at least two reflected rays give the position of image of the point object In concave mirror when object is at infinity and rays are coming parallel to principal axis then image is formed