Chinook Loo Mistral 2 3 4 Puna 5 Set 3 2 3 Pampero Column I
Last updated: 6/30/2023

Chinook Loo Mistral 2 3 4 Puna 5 Set 3 2 3 Pampero Column I Fohn Simoon Yoma Norwester 4 5 Loo Set 4 Column 1 1 Cirrus Cloud 2 Cumulus Stratus 4 Nimbus a b c d e f e f a b a b Japan c Europe d Arabian desert New Zealand Easterlies 1 Column II From the Alps to the Mediterranean sea Andes region d Rocky mountains in the USA South America Plains of northern India Westerlies Column II Causes sunstroke to people Column II Rain bearing Vertical clouds At lower level At higher level At middle level