
CHO 60 6CO 6H O energy Table I gives an approximate

Last updated: 5/12/2023

CHO 60 6CO 6H O energy Table I gives an approximate

CHO 60 6CO 6H O energy Table I gives an approximate breakdown of how glucose from a meal containing 90 grams of glucose was distributed 6 5 Passage III A chemical reaction associated with energy production in humans can be summarized by the following chemical equation 6 0 5 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 Location liver brain kidneys muscles fat 7 AM 9 AM Figure 1 shows the relative levels of glucose and insulin in a normal person s blood over the course of the day 1 11 AM ELLLE 1 PM 1 PM Table 1 3 PM Figure 1 was Glucose g 7 PM 158826 17 48 insulin Wd 6 1 4 3 Set Three 11 PM 300 250 200 Key glucose 50 150 100 0 Figure 2 shows the changes in blood glucose after a single meal for a normal person and for a diabetic person blood glucose mg dL 430 380 330 280 230 180 130 80 0 diabetic normal 1 2 3 4 5 elapsed time after a meal hours Figure 2 6 13 According to Figure 2 within an hour after a meal the blood glucose concentration of a normal person typically A decreases B increases C stays the same D The figure provides no information about the relationship between blood glucose concentration and the time following meals