
cipe n a five day workweek a tricycle manufacturing facility

Last updated: 4/25/2023

cipe n a five day workweek a tricycle manufacturing facility

cipe n a five day workweek a tricycle manufacturing facility is scheduled to make 340 tricycles How many wheels should be in the plant on Monday morning to make these tricycles ANALYZE List the knowns and unknown Knowns number of tricycles 640 FSW 3GP2 F S 3W G 2P FSW3GP2 CALCULATE Solve for the unknown Write the two possible conversion factors relating wheels W to tricycles FSW3GP2 Unknowns Number of wheels W Identify the conversion factor that gives the desired unit W Multiply the number of tricycles by the conversion factor 3 W 1 FSW3GP 3 W 1 FSW 3GP and 1 FSW3GP 3 W 3 W 640 FSW3GP2X1 FSW GP2 EVALUATE Does the result make sense If three wheels are required for each tricycle and more than 600 tricycles are being made then a number of wheels in excess of 1 800 is a logical answer The unit of the known FSW3GP cancels and the answer has the correct unit W 4 SEP Apply Mathematical Concepts The tricycle manufacturing facility has decided to make 288 tricycles each day How many tricycle seats wheels and pedals are needed for each day 1920