Clade Rhizaria This clade consists of three taxa
Last updated: 2/12/2023

Clade Rhizaria This clade consists of three taxa radiolarians foraminferans and cercozoans and is typically found in aquatic habitats It includes amoebae that use long thread like pseudopodia for locomotion swimming and for entrapping their prey Pseudopods are not exclusive to this group but are also found in Clade Amoebozoa Radiolarians often secrete a glassy internal skeleton made of silica Foraminiferans secrete external shells composed of calcium carbonate in which the shapeless amoeba lives These shells forams comprise limestone deposits e g White Cliffs of Dover England throughout the world Examination of has given geologists much information on the formation of landmasses Obtain a slide of radiolarians and foraminiferans and draw examples Radiolarians Foraminiferans