
Class Date Time 45 Min Q1 How many letters are there in

Last updated: 6/24/2023

Class Date Time 45 Min Q1 How many letters are there in

Class Date Time 45 Min Q1 How many letters are there in English Q2 Write the capital letters of English language Q3 Write the small letters of English language Q4 Write the vowels of English language Q5 My name is Ramesh The underlined word is a b Noun a Pronoun c Verb Q6 Identify the silent letter in the word Knife Q7 Write the antonym for the followings 1 Day X 2 Increase X Q8 Add the suitable suffixes for the following words 1 Use 2 Agree Q9 Fill in the blank with suitable countables uncountables I drink d Adverb when I am thirsty water stone star Q10 Fill in the blank with suitable verb form He Q11 Write the past tense for the following 1 Come visit temple every Sunday 2 Go Q12 Fill in the blank with suitable interrogative word who what when is your English teacher Q13 Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions in into on 1 Sindhanur is Raichur district the room 2 The teacher entered Q14 The rhyming word for Way is a seen b gay c pin Q15 Write the plural form of the word Bag 016 Rearrange the words in a meaningful sentence d man