Column I 1 LFTS 2 abdominal CT 3 cholangiography 4 stool
Last updated: 1/30/2023

Column I 1 LFTS 2 abdominal CT 3 cholangiography 4 stool culture 5 GI endoscopy 6 hemoccult test 7 barium tests 8 abdominal MRI 9 anastomosis 10 laparoscopic surgery Column II its description in Column A X ray examination of bile ducts B Minimally invasive surgery of the abdomen C Visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract colonoscopy D Feces are placed in a growth medium and tested for microorganisms E Cholecystojejunostomy F Magnetic waves create images of abdominal organs in three planes of the body G Measurements of liver enzymes ALT AST alk phos and other substances H Feces are tested for blood stool guaiac test I Series of cross sectional x ray images show abdominal organs 231 J X ray images of the GI tract obtained after introduction of a radiopaque liquid into the rectum or mouth