
Cost of health care The following table presents the mean

Last updated: 6/17/2023

Cost of health care The following table presents the mean

Cost of health care The following table presents the mean cost of a hospital stay in 1000s and the number of hospital stays in millions in the United States for each of 10 years Cost 9 8 10 6 11 8 12 5 13 7 Number 34 3 34 2 34 9 35 5 36 4 Number 37 8 19 7 38 2 20 5 38 7 22 3 39 2 24 0 39 5 Source Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Send data to Excel Part 0 2 Part 1 of 2 Cost 17 3 a Compute the coefficient of determination Round the answer to at least three decimal places