Cow of the Future Case Study Part 2 continued G1 a Fxn
Last updated: 2/12/2024

Cow of the Future Case Study Part 2 continued G1 a Fxn promoter b how many for pmoCAB transcription G2 a Fxn of initiation and termination sequences b how many mRNA molecules produced from pmoCAB G3 a Fxn RBS b How many RBS when pmo is transcribed Figure 3 Depiction of the pmo operon G4 a Fxn start stop codons b How many start stop codons on RNA transcribed from pmoCAB a b C pmoC def pmoA ghi pmoB k 1 G5 Which letter represents were the RNAP would bind to transcribe pmoCAB as a unit G6 Which area s marks where you would find initiation site s m G7 Which area s marks where you would find termination site s G8 a Which area s marks where you would find translational start site s b Which area s marks where you would find translational stop site s G9 Which letter indicates the 5 end