d discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 11
Last updated: 2/5/2024

d discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 11 at 6p Board Posts 25 total e of your participation you will write 200 word minimum the readings as well as responding to at least one other post sts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect ings This can include citing specific photographs and ers theoretical connections between different readings ideas or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate pictorial possibilities and creative controls involving the choice of angle of view type of light and scale In his text to The Open Door Talbot compared vernacular photographic realism the forerunner of the everyday snapshot to Dutch genre painting and reveals his allegiance to the Romantic picturesque landscape con ventions We have sufficient authority in the Dutch school of art for taking as subjects of representation scenes of daily and familiar occurrence A painter s eye mil often be arrested where ordinary people see nothing remarkable A casual gleam of sunshine or a shadow thrown across his path a time withered oak or a moss covered stone may awaken a train of thoughts and feelings and picturesque imaginings 2 Other pictures reveal the calotype s ability to trap a multitude of minute details which add to the truth and reality of the representation 10 which may have been unobserved by the photographer when exposing the negative His book also fore shadows the future strength of photographic imagemaking in its ability to pro duce multiple positive prints from a camera made matrix negative at photographic fin