d on people ms could no wellings and de a motion hat covered
Last updated: 5/15/2023

d on people ms could no wellings and de a motion hat covered re of others the settlers in Boston are in good health for the most part and well provided of all necessaries there hath not died about 2 or 3 grown persons and about so many children all in the last many people year it being very rare to hear of any sick of agues illnesses d to death involving fever and shivering or other diseases For our subsistence here the means hitherto hath been the yearly access of newcomers who have supplied all our wants for cattle and the fruits of our labours if this should fail then we have other means which may supply us as fish viz Cod bass and herring varieties of fish our grounds likewise are apt for all sorts of roots pumpkins and other fruits which for taste and wholesomeness far exceed those in England For the natives they are near all dead of the smallpox so the Lord hath cleared our title land to what we possess g n Historia 75 1580 ed Accounts of s 1993 Source Modified Version of the Letter from John Winthrop 1634 Gilder Lehrman Collection al historical that led to colony was founded Winthrop wrote a letter describing the colony An excerpt of that letter is below an 18 Using document 2 identify John Winthrop s point of view concerning the status of the colony