DEFINITIONS MATCHING Each match is worth 0 5 points each
Last updated: 5/14/2023

DEFINITIONS MATCHING Each match is worth 0 5 points each This section is worth 8 points in total Match the choices below with the definitions A alleles B autosomes C dominant D genotype E heterozygous F homozygous J wild type epistasis N polygenic inheritance O pedigree P carriers G phenotype H recessive K incomplete dominance 2 Chromosomes determining maleness femaleness 3 Situation in which an individual has identical alleles for a particular trait 4 Genes not expressed unless they are present in homozygous condition 5 Expression of a genetic trait 6 situation in which an individual has different alleles making up the genotype for a particular trait 7 Genes for the same trait that may have different expressions 8 Chromosomes regulating most body characteristics 9 The more potent gene allele masks the expression of less potent allele 10 Two dominant alleles affect the phenotype in two different ways 11 A chart that tracks the inheritance of certain traits I 1 Actual genetic makeup 1 sex chromosomes L codominance M 12 The phenotype most often encountered in nature 13 A phenotype that results from the additive effect of two or more genes 14 The phenotype of the offspring is somewhere in between the phenotypes of the parents 15 A heterozygote who shows a normal phenotype 16 A gene at one locus will change the phenotypic expression of a gene at another locus