Describe each ART ELEMENT that you see in the artwork Start
Last updated: 11/9/2023

Describe each ART ELEMENT that you see in the artwork Start with the most prominent element and how that element is primarily used in the artwork Provide specific examples and include as many as you can For full credit answer at least 4 of the following questions with a minimum of one complete sentence each Elaborate on your answers as necessary for a thorough description 1 LINES Do you see lines What kind of lines Vertical horizontal curved straight thick thin long short etc 2 SHAPES Do you see shapes What kind of Shapes Circular square triangular biomorphic shapes of specific objects etc 3 TEXTURE Do you seek texture What kind of texture Rough shiny wood skin water dots stripes etc 4 VALUES Light and Dark Do you see lights and darks What do they look like Light dark medium high contrast blended etc 5 COLORS Do you see color Bright dull red yellow blue black white etc Section 3 Design Qualities 25 points