Last updated: 2/17/2023

DIAZ TRAVELS AROUND THE TIP OF AFRICA 95 the southern tip of India True or False Diaz was a wealthy nobleman searching for a new route to Africa around 96 What has Diaz been using to navigate Caught in a 97 unknown 98 99 nature off the coast of Africa searching for a new to the east Diaz has two options risk death on the or head out into the Ocean and the What becomes key to a new of exploration Out of sight of land for days No idea what lies ahead His are useless Lost at sea His fate now turns on a powerful force of the waves An ocean gyre a vast circular caused by prevailing winds working against the rotation of the creating a conveyor belt of water times more powerful than the Mississippi River 100 Diaz claims the land in the name of become known as the Cape of COLUMBUS DISCOVERS THE AMERICAS 101 October 12 and country It will route to the east bypassing Constantinople A direct passage to Within 50 years it becomes one of the busiest lanes in the world 26 30 The key to a new A date seared onto the hard drive of humanity sailors discover land Leading them an Italian Americas have immunity to a deadly threat 107 What is Columbus on the search for 102 Christopher Columbus underestimated the distance to travel to China from Spain by how many miles 103 Monarchs from what country finance Columbus s expedition 108 Columbus returns to Spain a All of 104 After five weeks at sea Columbus finally reaches land that he believes to be Japan but which is in fact where 105 True or False The Bahamas are home to the Taino people 106 Living in a different 33 00 for thousands of years the people of the wants a piece of the Americas His journeys open floodgates Mankind The Story of All of Episodes