
Directions Transcribe and translate the following strands of

Last updated: 2/12/2023

Directions Transcribe and translate the following strands of

Directions Transcribe and translate the following strands of DNA to find the mutat the mutation in each mutated sequence Part I Original Wild Type DNA sequence Original DNA sequence TACCCACTTGCGTGGATC mRNA sequence Amino acid sequence AUGG GUGA ACGCACCUAG Met bly Glutamic acicl Ang thre stop Part II First mutant sequence Mutated DNA sequence TACCCACTTCGTGGATC mRNA sequence AUGGGGUGMAG CAGCCUAG Amino acid sequence Met Gly Stop 1 What type of mutation is this Frameshift Mutational What is the result of this mutation ZAA s changed No Stop cado Part III Second mutant sequence Mutated DNA sequence TACCCACTGGCGTGGATC mRNA sequence AUGEGUGACEGCACCUAG Amino acid sequence Met GIY ASP Arg Thr Stop G deleted What type of mutation is this Print Mutation TG What is the result of this mutation art IV Third mutant sequence Mutated DNA sequence TACCCACTTGCGTGCATC RNA sequence mino acid sequence AUGGGUG AAC GOACGUAG Met GIY Glu Arg Thri Stop