discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 11
Last updated: 2/5/2024

discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 11 at 6p oard Posts 25 total e of your participation you will write 200 word minimum the readings as well as responding to at least one other post ts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect ngs This can include citing specific photographs and ers theoretical connections between different readings ideas or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate England during the late eighteenth century as an alternative method for examin ing nature and as a guide for making gardens Providing a construct for seeing what in nature would make a good picture it gave viewers a prescribed route through an image Intuition and imagination were of prime importance and peo ple were often incorporated into a picture as a device to help viewers negotiate the space and find their place in nature A successful work of art did not simply reflect reality or personify an absolute and rationally regarded ideal but provid ed insight into the internal working of the subject being depicted The picturesque landscape of Romanticism was built on the pictorial concepts of the sublime and the beautiful opposing schema that cannot commingle The sub lime like a storm on the ocean locates its origins in the awe terror and vastness beyond human scale while the beautiful a calm harbor sunset situates its lineage within the feminine organization of society The artistic sublime is a masculine term that refers to a greatness with which nothing can be compared that is be yond the possibility of calculation imitation and measurement Characteristics of the sublime include astonishment darkness infinity solitude and immensity It features intense directional light and a dynamic interaction between highlights and shadows Being delicate rounded smooth and well proportioned the beauti ful and fouorc a soft diffused light It was admirable but it was