Does this simply mean that their lattice energy is high as
Last updated: 6/28/2023

Does this simply mean that their lattice energy is high as compared to hydration energy or am I wrong are they tr ving to say something else 147 CCI 1 090 Solubility The haloalkanes are only very slightly soluble in water In order for haloalkane to dissolve in water energy is required to overcome t attractions between the haloalkane molecules and break the hydrog bonds between water molecules Less energy is released when ne attractions are set up between the haloalkane and the water molecul as these are not as strong as the original hydrogen bonds in water As result the solubility of haloalkanes in water is low However haloalkan tend to dissolve in organic solvents because the new intermolecul attractions between haloalkanes and solvent molecules have much t same strength as the ones being broken in the separate haloalkane a solvent molecules