
Dr Smith a biology professor at Bradford University has

Last updated: 10/23/2023

Dr Smith a biology professor at Bradford University has

Dr Smith a biology professor at Bradford University has decided to give his classes a stan biology exam that is nationally normed This indicates that the normal distribution is an appropriate approximation for the probability distribution of students scores on this exam The probability distribution of students scores on this standardized exam can be estimated using the normal distribution shown below e D 70 86 1 State the mean of the distribution of the biology exam scores 78 2 State the standard deviation of the distribution of the biology exam scores 8 points Grading Curve Option I Originally Dr Smith decides to curve his students exam grades as follows Students whose scores are at or above the 90th percentile will receive an A Students whose scores are in the 80th 89th percentiles will receive a B Students whose scores are in the 70th 79th percentiles will receive a C Students whose scores are in the 60th 69th percentiles will receive a D Students whose scores are below the 60th percentile will receive an F 3 Find the z scores that correspond to the following percentiles B 0 Inflection Point Point N 1 78 Inflection 90th percentile 80th percentile 70th percentile 60th percentile 4 Using that information find the exam scores that correspond to the curved grading scale Assume that the exam scores range from 0 to 100 Round to the nearest whole number A 100 B C X