Early March 11 p m Mid March 10 p m Late March 9 p m Moon
Last updated: 4/24/2023

Early March 11 p m Mid March 10 p m Late March 9 p m Moon Phases FULL LAST NEW FIRST Mar 07 Mar 14 Mar 21 Mar 28 THE EVENING SKY FOR MARCH 2023 CORVUS BOREA SO RON ECLIPTIC Path of Sun planets 1008 CRATER 10 COVE SEXTANS ANTLIA SONDAJ THS HYDRA HONIW SHO Regulus HUON CANCER PYXIS VELA 9 qued XNAT CANISA MINOR p Ma AVM Procyon MONOCEROS 00 V PUPPIS GALL Depu 022 You Sirius Adhara ORION CANIS MAJOR PONO CORONY in PERSEL TRIANGULUM 5 Name a constellation that is rising 6 Name a constellation that is setting 7 What constellation is Mars in 129 COLUMBA 2 SOUTH How To Use This Chart This chart depicts the evening sky for the times indicated above The edge represents the horizon the chart s center is the point overhead Hold a printout of the chart out in front of you so the horizon marked with the direction you re facing is down Then match the stars on the map with the real stars in the sky The chart shows the sky as seen from 40 north latitude When viewing from a lower latitude stars in the southern sky will appear higher above the horizon while those in the northern sky will be lower When viewing from a latitude higher than 40 the opposite will be true The planets are positioned as they appear at mid month Orion Telescopes com Sky happenings Astronomy information Full product line Copyright 2023 Orion Telescopes Binoculars cm LEPUS EQUATOR O PISCES O Star magnitudes 1 ERIDANUS 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 Name three stars in the Winter Hexagon 3 What is the path of the Sun and planets called 4 What constellation is at zenith on the chart Double start Variable star Open cluster WEST Use the star chart to answer these questions 1 In what constellation are the stars that point at Polaris Globular cluster Diffuse nebula Planetary nebula Galaxy 8 What is the bright star near the Eastern horizon on the chart 9 Name a constellation that falls along the Ecliptic 10 Name a constellation that falls along the Celestial