
end the vertebral amn and maintain posture s scalp

Last updated: 4/13/2023

end the vertebral amn and maintain posture s scalp

end the vertebral amn and maintain posture s scalp posteriorly Transverse processes of vertebrae Muscle Angle and lateral surface of ramus of mandible Diaphragm External intercostals External oblique Longissimus column Masseter Epicranial aponeurosis Zygomatic arch Origin Xiphoid process of stemum lower ribs and costal cartilages lumbar vertebrae 11 Iliac crest pubic tubercle and linea alba Inferior eight ribs Insertion Occipital bone Mastoid process transverse processes of vertebrae medial posterior portions of ribs Elevates the mandible Action Flattens lowering the floor of Central tendon of diaphragm its volume causing inspiration thoracic cavity and increasing inhalation Lower edge of rib superior to its insertion Elevate the nb cage spreding the nbs assisting in inspiration Flexes and laterally flexes the trunk compresses abdominal cavity Upper edge of rib inferior to its origin