entrepreneurs In the area The population boom in California
Last updated: 6/23/2023

entrepreneurs In the area The population boom in California caused by the Gold Rush had Immediate effects both positive and negative Although it only became part of the United States in 1848 California s population had grown so swiftly It was soon able to apply for statehood and it was admitted to the union in September of 1850 The sudden influx of outsiders made Californios and regional Native Americans Instant ethnic minorities and they were subject to severe discrimination from the new settlers Although its farming and ranching businesses boomed California s geographical Isolation made trade difficult It was not until the transcontinental rall road was completed in 1869 that businesses based on trade could flourish What happened to the Californios who dominated California prior to the gold rush of 1849 O Most died due to epidemic diseases brought in by the miners O Many lost status and land and were excluded from the prosperity of the statehood period O The ones who could speak English adapted well and continued to dominate real estate ownership